
研究紹介: 教育政策のグローバル化とヘゲモニー

林寛平「グローバル教育政策市場を通じた『教育のヘゲモニー』の形成―教育研究所の対外戦略をめぐる構造的問題の分析―」, 日本教育行政学会(編)『日本教育行政学会年報42 教育財政をめぐる問題群』, 2016, pp.147-163, 303-304.


キーワード: グローバル教育政策市場、教育政策コンサルティング、大規模国際アセスメント、国立教育研究所、教育のヘゲモニー


 新自由主義的改革を批判する研究者たちは、グローバル化を国民国家の後退と捉えてきた。しかし、一連の変化は国家の後退を招いただけではなく、国家に新しい立場を与え、逆に役割の拡大をもたらしている面もある。Ball(2012)は民間セクターが教育分野に参入したことで政治過程と政治コミュニティの様態が変化し、ネットワークガバナンスの新しい形が組成したと指摘し、これらを広く「グローバルな教育政策」と呼んでいる(Rizvi & Lingard, 2010参照)。本稿では、「グローバルな教育政策」が教員研修の請負やコンサルティング事業等を通じて流通する「グローバル教育政策市場」に先進国の政府系教育研究機関がアクターとして積極的に参入していることを指摘する。

 国家の国際市場での具体的な活動を検討するために、4ヵ国の教育研究所の事例を取り上げる。オーストラリア教育研究所(ACER)、オランダ政府教育評価機構(Cito)、ドイツ国際教育研究所(DIPF)は大規模アセスメントに強みを持ち、国際市場の先導役を担っており、PISAの運営でも中心的な役割を担っている。PISAで高得点を挙げたシンガポールでは、国立教育研究所(NIE)とその民間部門のNIE International Pte. Ltd(NIEI)が中央政府との緊密な連携の下で教育コンサルティングを行っている。

 4ヵ国の事例から、「グローバル教育政策市場」が勃興している実態が明らかになった。輸出国側と輸入国側の関係を見ると、学力の優位な国が教育政策上のノウハウを提供する見返りとして、経済的に不利な国に対価を要求する構造になっており、教育成果と経済資源の交換が行われている。この交換は、一面では、市場メカニズムに従うことで、諸アクター間が需給関係に基づく合理的な選択を行い、合意形成がなされることが期待される。しかし、輸入国の多くはOECD非加盟国であることからPISA Governing Boardに参加しておらず、アセスメントの枠組み作りやコンピテンシーの選択と定義、教育成果の価値付け等に影響を与えることができない。すなわち、教育成果が輸出国側によって一方的に値付けされており、需給調整のルールが不公正な状態になっている。これによって、すでに有利な立場にある国の優位がさらに固定的になる恐れがある。


Kampei HAYASHI, ‘Educational Hegemony’ in the Global Education Policy Market -An Analysis of the Outbound Strategy Adopted by Four National Education Research Institutes, Bulletin of the Japan Educational Administration Society, No. 42, 2016, pp.147-163, 303-304.

Key Words: Global Education Policy Market, Education Policy Consulting, Large-scale International Assessment, Government-affiliated Educational Research Institutes, Educational Hegemony

The current scenario in the educational field has seen major changes impacted by globalization in which educational policies are bought and sold across national borders with nation states joining this market as actors. The purpose of this study is to point out the structural problems inherent in the reality of the global education policy market. 

Researchers who criticize neoliberal reform consider globalization as a back down of nation states. However, changes through globalization have brought forth a new position for nation states in which they have partly expanded their functions. Ball (2012) points out that ever since the private sector made its foray in the educational field, the mode of political processes and community has changed, and a new form of ‘network governance’ has emerged. He termed this as the ‘global education policy’ (see also Rizvi & Lingard, 2010). The focus of this research is on the government-affiliated educational research institutes of developed countries that are active participants in this ‘global education policy market’ as actors by contracting work in teacher training and consulting. 

Four educational research institutes were chosen to study the concrete activities of the nation state in the international market. The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), Central Institute for Test Development (Cito), and the German Institute for International Education Research (DIPF) emerged as the leading institutions that have exploited the international market as per a large-scale assessment, and they play a central role in the operation of PISA. In Singapore, which exhibited a high score in PISA, the National Institute of Education (NIE) and its private arm, NIE International Pte Lte (NIEI), carry out educational consulting in close coordination with the central government. 

Through these four cases, it is apparent that a ‘global education policy market’ is on the rise. The trend of these countries’ activities is considered as a positive contribution on their part in offering their know-how. The relationship between the countries offering the expertise and the countries at a disadvantage is based on the exchange of educational performance and economic resources; countries that have the advantages of educational performance impart their expertise in educational policy while the economically disadvantaged nations pay for this know-how by using their economic resources. This exchange is understood superficially as following the market mechanism. The choice is made by the rational supply-demand relationship and both sides are expected to agree on fair terms. However, most of the countries seeking this expertise in the field of education are non-members of the OECD, and they have no seats on the PISA Governing Board. Therefore, they have no influence on the selection, definition, value setting, and frameworks of the educational performance assessment. The educational performance is unilaterally priced by the countries offering their knowledge in the field and therefore the rules for balancing supply and demand are biased. Hence, this kind of trade can possibly result in the status quo being maintained, wherein the privileged countries continue to be at an advantage and dominate while the disadvantaged remain submissive. 

This asymmetric relationship is a kind of ‘Hegemony’ (Gramsci, 1975). Furthermore, ‘Educational Hegemony’ has come into being through the supply of consulting services from developed countries to developing countries.




林寛平「グローバル教育政策市場を通じた『教育のヘゲモニー』の形成―教育研究所の対外戦略をめぐる構造的問題の分析―」, 日本教育行政学会(編)『日本教育行政学会年報42 教育財政をめぐる問題群』, 2016, pp.147-163, 303-304.





EDU-JPN: Background of the success of Japanese PISA result compare to U.S. -Part III

Education in Japan (Natalie Collor)

Social status

While the concept that higher income directly relates to higher academic success is one held throughout the world, the degree to which it holds true varies across the world. The PISA survey also includes data on performance as it relates to students’ socioeconomic status and disproves this general idea in many countries. The socioeconomic makeups of Japan and the U.S. are different, so it is important to interpret the results of PISA individually.

Japan has an above-average score in science performance and equity in education. The strength of this relationship is below average, which means performance in science isn’t essentially a result of one’s social status. In the U.S., however, science performance was above average, but the nation’s equality in education was below average. This implies that class and status largely affect one’s ability to perform well in science. Funding limitations and staff shortages are very common in some areas of the U.S., and, as shown by the results of the PISA, science aptitude suffers greatly when students lack the support and materials necessary to study. A key takeaway for the U.S. is to increase funding for science teachers and materials in areas with lower incomes. Students in Japan, on the other hand, seem to be benefitting from access to similar amounts of educational support and materials.

Overall Educational Practices

Students in both the U.S. and Japan did better than average on all three sections of the PISA exam. A closer look at the individual section results, students’ motivations for each subject, and gender discrepancies provides further information on the educational methods used and their efficacy as shown by the students’ results on the PISA survey. Based on these results, it may be easy to assume Japanese educational practices are more effective or better than those in the U.S., however, it is also important to realize PISA is just one of many standardized tests meant to measure intelligence and efficacy of instruction. The public must also remember there are other ways in which students and educational techniques can be evaluated.




米国では、10月の第2月曜日は連邦の定める祝日「コロンブス・デー」となっている。これは、アメリカ大陸を「発見」したとされるクリストファー・コロンブスの上陸を記念して始まったものだが、ネイティブ・アメリカンの団体らを中心に、コロンブスはネイティブ・アメリカンの虐殺、奴隷制、植民地化の始まりを象徴するものとして、長くこの祝日に対する反対運動が行われてきた。銀行や郵便局などがこれまで通り休業する一方、近年、多くの州や都市、学区が「先住民の日Indigenous People's Day」とこの日の名称を変え、学校も登校日とし、ネイティブ・アメリカンの遺産と歴史をたたえ、学ぶ日として新たに認定し始めている。今年になってロス・アンジェルスなどの都市が新たに「先住民の日」の採用を決定したほか、例えばニューヨーク州シラキューズの教育員会では、今週「先住民の日」採用の可否を問う投票が行われる。また、11月は、ネイティヴ・アメリカンの文化や歴史、問題を認識しさまざまなプログラムをとおして学ぶことを推奨するNative American Heritage Monthネイティヴ・アメリカンの遺産月間となっている。

Leah Shafer and Bari Walsh. “The Columbus Day Problem.” Usable Knowledge (Harvard Graduate School of Education), 2017/10/5.


EDU-JPN:Background of the success of Japanese PISA result compare to U.S -Part II

Education in Japan (Natalie Collor)

Discussion of PISA results

In the previous article, the most recent PISA results for the United States and Japan were given and compared in a general sense. Japan has much high scores than the U.S. on all three subject areas—science, math, and reading—of the PISA survey, and is one of the highest-scoring countries overall. A closer look at the results in each subject tells more about each country’s educational methods and how students feel toward the tested subjects. The first part of this article will provide a more detailed discussion of the results based on gender, while the second part will focus on what the socioeconomic status of students says about their performance on the PISA survey. Both parts will also speculate what the discrepancies in student performance say about education practices in both countries.


Gender differences are apparent in the PISA results of both countries. In the science and mathematics sections of the PISA test, boys scored higher than girls on average. When these students were asked about what field they expect to work in, a higher percentage of boys expected to be working in a science-related field than girls. The totals were 19% of Japanese boys vs. 18% of Japanese girls and 25% of American boys vs. 24% of American girls. Surprisingly, even though Japan’s average score in science is quite higher than that of the U.S., more students in the U.S. picture themselves in a science-related job later in life. This result suggests that students in the U.S. experience slightly more enjoyment in science-related activities, and further research may need to be done to figure out what exactly is the source of this difference.

A similar performance gap between girls and boys occurs in the math section of the test, but girls outperform boys in the reading section of the test in both countries. Although the performance gap is much less in the reading section, it is interesting that there is a flip in gender dominance when a non-scientific field is examined.


EDU-JPN: Background of the success of Japanese PISA result compare to U.S. -Part I

Education in Japan (Natalie Collor)

An Introduction to PISA

PISA is the acronym used by the Program for International Student Assessment, an organization that surveys education systems across the globe by testing hundreds of thousands of students in over seventy countries. PISA creates a two-hour test in the areas of science, math, and reading for students around the age of fifteen and administers the test to select schools and regions every three years to track educational developments worldwide. The results of the PISA surveys can be very useful in both domestic and international education spheres.

In addition to administering surveys to evaluate student performance in these three areas, PISA is also very involved in improving the state of education in low-income countries by helping students become better learners and teachers becoming better instructors.

Results of the 2015 PISA Survey

The first PISA survey was administered in 2000, and the most recent PISA survey was given in 2015. Countless interesting analyses are possible when comparing the results of all the countries participating in this survey; however, the current essay is concerned with the results of Japan compared to those of the United States. Although these two countries may have a lot in common economically and politically, the results of the PISA survey would suggest these two countries have significant differences in educational practices.

The results of the most recent PISA survey suggest Japan’s educational system is more suited to preparing students for tests and surveys like PISA, as Japanese students scored higher on average than American students in all three areas tested. Japan is one of the leading countries in science—trailing only Singapore—and has been for many iterations of the survey. Moreover, Japan has outscored the U.S. in all three areas tested on PISA surveys for many years.






日時: 2017年10月14日(土) 13:00~16:45

場所: 日本女子大学 目白キャンパス 香雪館401教室

趣旨: 近年、国際アセスメント、特にPISAが多くの国・地域の教育政策、教育改革に少なからぬ影響を与えている。「学力」の国際比較における優位性を獲得あるいは確保するために、教育内容のスタンダード化やテストとアカウンタビリティ政策を重視するようになった国・地域が多いが、対応の仕方は一様ではない。また、ある国や地域で功を奏したとされる改革や政策が外国に「輸出」されるという現象も現れている。本シンポジウムでは、このように児童・生徒の「学力」のみならず、各国及び地域の教育政策の効果も比較対象となる「国際アセスメント時代」の教育行政の課題をテーマに検討を行う。

報告者: 金 龍      清州教育大学 (韓国)
             Bob Lingard    The University of Queensland (オーストラリア)
             Eva Forsberg    Uppsala University (スウェーデン)(登壇なし)
             Daniel Pettersson    University of Gävle (スウェーデン)
             澤野 由紀子    聖心女子大学
司会:    小島 優生   獨協大学
ファシリテーター: 林 寛平    信州大学



Bob Lingard: クイーンズランド大学教授、社会学的視点から教育政策を研究し、Global Education Policyやテスト政策について、多くの論文・著作を発表。主な近著に、Globalizing Educational Accountabilities (Routledge, 2016), The International Handbook of Global Education Policy (Wiley, 2016), National Testing in Schools: An Australian Assessment (Routledge, 2016)など

Eva Forsberg: ウプサラ大学教授、数々の研究プロジェクトのリーダーを歴任する中で、教育ガバナンスやアセスメント文化の研究を進めている。主な近著に、Mølstad, C., Pettersson, D. & Forsberg, E. (forthcoming) A Game of Thrones: Organising and Legitimising Knowledge through PISA Research. European Educational Research Journal.

Daniel Pettersson: イェヴレ大学准教授、Dr. Eva Forsbergとともに、現代における国際アセスメント指標の活用実態と歴史についての研究を進める。主な近著にLindblad, S., Pettersson, D. & Popkewitz, T.S. (forthcoming) Numbers, Education and the Making of Society: International Assessments and Its Expertise. Routledge: London & New York.

金 龍: 清州教育大学教授、教育改革や規制緩和改革について、批判的検討を行い、研究を進めている。主な近著に、Tracing the discourse of autonomy around the education reform of the 1990s in Korea: A critical discourse analysis (Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, v.1.n.1. 2016. pp.41-52)

澤野 由紀子: 聖心女子大学教授、主な研究課題は、ヨーロッパの生涯学習政策とその効果、能動的市民性を育む教育内容・方法の国際比較研究、北欧諸国の子ども行政システム、ロシア・CIS諸国の教育改革。主な著書に、『揺れる世界の学力マップ』(明石書店、2009年、共編著)、『教育改革の国際比較研究』(ミネルヴァ、2007年)等。

※本研究はJSPS科研費 JP16K13521, JP16H05960の助成を受けたものです。