
EDU-JPN:Tis the Season…for the Flu

Education in Japan (Natalie Collor)

In most places, the influenza virus is hard to avoid, even though many people receive a yearly vaccine to improve their odds of contracting the virus. Japan is no different, but its schools have measures in place to help prevent large-scale spreading of the virus.

One tactic most schools have in place is to ‘suspend’ students if the number of students with the virus is between 20% and 33% of the whole homeroom class. For three to five days, students are not allowed to come to school. Unlike the American use of ‘suspend,’ this action does not punish students or reflect badly on their academic record. They simply stay at home and do whatever homework they are able to without attending class and, for some, while managing sickness. In terms of the schoolwide spread of the virus, if just 10% of students in a specific grade to contract influenza, the whole grade will be suspended for a short period of time. Since the influenza virus is spread very easily through skin-to-skin contact, school administrators believe the best way to prevent mass spreading throughout schools is to suspend students in the given ways.

Although January and February are typically thought of as flu season, there were schools in Gunma Prefecture that announced the first cases of influenza spreading as early as November of 2017. There were several schools that suspended individual classes and whole grades, so flu season is already well underway in Japan.

While students may be quick to celebrate this guilt-free suspension which allows them to stay at home to rest, watch TV, or play video games, teachers are not as pleased when their students are suspended. They cannot move forward with the material according to the curriculum when all students are missing, therein making homework very repetitive. Teachers may appreciate having an extra break period or two, given the busy day-to-day workload, but the result of numerous cancelled classes due to the suspension puts them in a difficult position. The more students that are missing, the less teachers are actually able to accomplish during the school day. No matter how long the students are missing from school, they are expected to finish the standard curriculum for each subject by the end of the school year, which means teachers have to find ways to add in make-up classes and homework assignments. This situation reflects the snow day phenomenon in American schools, where students are happy to have time off in the winter, but unhappy to be making everything up during the dog days of summer.


EDU-JPN:How Influenza Affects Exam Season

Education in Japan (Natalie Collor)

Once the new calendar year begins in Japan, and sometimes even before, many middle and high school students’ minds are occupied with thoughts of one thing: university entrance exams. A previous post has addressed the specifics of the exam schedule and the vigorous preparation these students undergo to score well on the standardized exams. However, an additional variable at play in exam season is, in fact, influenza.

Not only is the number of third-year middle and high school students who receive the vaccine more than any other grade level, but it is also very likely that these students do not receive the vaccine every year. Students and parents in Japan know the importance of being well during the exam, not to mention the months leading up to it; therefore, they do all they can to prevent contracting the virus by getting the vaccine. In some cases, all members in a family are said to get the vaccine in order to protect the examinee. News programs and school nurses also encourage students to wear masks and wash hands regularly as other preventative measures.

Vaccines are not a guarantee, however, and as the importance of entrance exams grows, so does the necessity of students being able to take the exam in a healthy state. Despite taking all the preventative measures leading up to the exam, some students still end up sick during the exam day. A makeup test day, which would certainly give those students unable to take the exam due to illness a second chance, is an idea that has recently been implemented by high schools in some regions. Although makeup test days are not available for every high school, this special option for ill students may improve their chances of doing well on the test and gaining admission to the high school of their choice. Each high school offering a makeup test date likely announces the date ahead of time and a corresponding process to follow to register for said test.

Although a similar makeup test day equivalent does not yet exist for college entrance exams, one can only wonder, given the extremely competitive nature of the exams and the unpredictability of contracting illness, if this option will exist in the future.


研究紹介: やりたいこと”がない人はなぜ肩身の狭い思いをするのか(卒業研究)



林 寛平(信州大学)









考察1 社会で求める”やりたいこと”と個人の”やりたいこと”は違う


考察2 “やりたいこと”を表明する場面には権力関係がある


考察3 相互承認のための”やりたいこと”




  • 阿部真大(2006)『搾取される若者たち―バイク便ライダーは見た!』集英社
  • 松下佳代(2013) NHKニュース「大人の学力の調査で日本首位」(2013年10月8日)
  • 一般財団法人日本経済団体連合会(2016)『今後の教育改革に関する基本的考え方―第3期教育振興基本計画の策定に向けて―』
  • 生産性労働情報センター(編)(2015)『平成27年度新入社員「働くことの意識」調査』
  • 重田園江(2011)『ミシェル・フーコー―近代を裏から読む』ちくま新書
  • 村上龍、はまのゆか(2003)『13歳のハローワーク』幻冬舎
  • 久木元真吾(2003)「『やりたいこと』という論理:フリーターの語りとその意図せざる帰結」社会学研究会(編)『ソシオロジ48』潮人社
  • 鵜飼洋一郎(2007)「企業が煽る『やりたいこと』-就職活動における自己分析の検討から」大阪大学人間科学部社会学・人間学・人類学研究室(編)『年報人間科学28』
  • 太郎丸博、吉田宗(2007)「若者の求職期間と意識の関係-『やりたいこと』は内定率に影響するか」 数理社会学会(編)『理論と方法22』
  • 妹尾麻美(2013)「新規大卒就職活動において「やりたいこと」は内定取得に必要か?」社会学研究会(編)『ソシオロジ59』潮人社
  • 溝上慎一(2004)『現代大学生論 ユニバーシティ・ブルーの風に揺れる』NHKブックス
  • 文部科学省(2011)『小学校キャリア教育の手引き』
  • ジグムント・バウマン(著),酒井邦秀(訳)(2014)『リキッド・モダニティを読みとく 液状化した現代社会からの44通の手紙』ちくま学芸文庫


EDU-JPN: Corporal Punishment in an Aichi Prefectural Elementary School

Education in Japan (Natalie Collor)

Recently, at an elementary school in Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, a male homeroom teacher in his forties was found guilty of physically harming five of his students during a math class. Reports say that the incident occurred while the class was checking answers to an assignment. When many students did not understand the material in the way the teacher explained, he lost his temper and began physically harming his students. He hit a few boys on their heads with rulers. He even smacked one girl’s head against the blackboard. Since the day of this incident, this female student has not been able to return to school. The guilty teacher has publicly apologized for his actions and is currently taking an indefinite leave of absence. 

This incident, however, was not the first time this teacher has been accused of physically harming his students. Two years ago, he pushed a student down, and the student suffered a neck and shoulder injury. Perhaps the teacher was able to keep his job at this time because the boy’s parents and school administrators viewed this incident as an accident, not corporal punishment. 

Investigations related to this violent incident are ongoing, and the Toyohashi City Board of Education is slowly releasing information regarding the events that occurred. Area parents and school employees are no doubt on edge about the future of this teacher’s career in public schools. 


研究紹介: 学校選択制による「平等を目指す競争」の分析

林寛平「スウェーデンにおける学校選択制による学校間成績差抑制モデルの分析-ナッカ市におけるSALSAを活用した予算配分を事例に-」, 日本教育行政学会(編)『教育行政学研究と教育行政改革の軌跡と展望』, 2016, pp.174-179.



 かつて高度に集権化された福祉国家のモデルとみられていたスウェーデンは、1980年代以降の改革を経て脱集権化した国に様変わりした。教育における脱集権化は、学校の自律性を高めることで現場の能力が増し、学習の質が向上するという期待によって推進され(Zajda 2006)、とりわけ規則、財政、権限の側面に大きな変化が見られた(Pierre 2010)。一方、改革の動機には行政運営の効率化もあり、公的部門の民営化と支出削減が並行して進められた (Montin 1992)。この過程において、義務教育費が1990年に国からコミューン(基礎自治体)に移譲され、1992年には学校選択制が導入された。

 これらの改革は教育の「市場化」として分析されることが多い (Björklund et al. 2005)。「市場化」は競争と淘汰を前提とするため、格差拡大と質の低下が危惧されている(Bunar & Sernhede 2013)。学校教育庁の分析でも学校間成績差の拡大が明らかになっている(Skolverket 2012)。一方、国際調査では相対的に平等で公正な教育制度を有すると評価されている(OECD 2015)。また、Kallstenius(2010)は学校選択制により移民生徒がいわゆる「中流スウェーデン人」の集住地区に越境通学することで、学校が多文化になり、統合が促進される面もあると指摘している。現状では、学校選択制が成績差や分離に与える影響についてはコンセンサスが得られていない。

 本稿では、「市場化」の中で競争原理を用いながら平等を促進するナッカ市(Nacka kommun)の事例を検討する。ナッカ市の教育費配分方式は学校選択制を用いて学校間の成績差を抑制するモデルである。市は予算配分を生徒の社会的背景に応じて重みづけすることで、学校の生徒獲得行動を統制している。この安定化効果を通じて「平等を目指す競争」が生じることを期待している。本研究は、2006年から2015年にかけて学校教育庁、学校監査庁、地方自治体組合、ナッカ市、ナッカ市立基礎学校で行った聞き取り調査とナッカ市議会の議事資料に基づいている。

研究紹介: 教育政策のグローバル化とヘゲモニー

林寛平「グローバル教育政策市場を通じた『教育のヘゲモニー』の形成―教育研究所の対外戦略をめぐる構造的問題の分析―」, 日本教育行政学会(編)『日本教育行政学会年報42 教育財政をめぐる問題群』, 2016, pp.147-163, 303-304.


キーワード: グローバル教育政策市場、教育政策コンサルティング、大規模国際アセスメント、国立教育研究所、教育のヘゲモニー


 新自由主義的改革を批判する研究者たちは、グローバル化を国民国家の後退と捉えてきた。しかし、一連の変化は国家の後退を招いただけではなく、国家に新しい立場を与え、逆に役割の拡大をもたらしている面もある。Ball(2012)は民間セクターが教育分野に参入したことで政治過程と政治コミュニティの様態が変化し、ネットワークガバナンスの新しい形が組成したと指摘し、これらを広く「グローバルな教育政策」と呼んでいる(Rizvi & Lingard, 2010参照)。本稿では、「グローバルな教育政策」が教員研修の請負やコンサルティング事業等を通じて流通する「グローバル教育政策市場」に先進国の政府系教育研究機関がアクターとして積極的に参入していることを指摘する。

 国家の国際市場での具体的な活動を検討するために、4ヵ国の教育研究所の事例を取り上げる。オーストラリア教育研究所(ACER)、オランダ政府教育評価機構(Cito)、ドイツ国際教育研究所(DIPF)は大規模アセスメントに強みを持ち、国際市場の先導役を担っており、PISAの運営でも中心的な役割を担っている。PISAで高得点を挙げたシンガポールでは、国立教育研究所(NIE)とその民間部門のNIE International Pte. Ltd(NIEI)が中央政府との緊密な連携の下で教育コンサルティングを行っている。

 4ヵ国の事例から、「グローバル教育政策市場」が勃興している実態が明らかになった。輸出国側と輸入国側の関係を見ると、学力の優位な国が教育政策上のノウハウを提供する見返りとして、経済的に不利な国に対価を要求する構造になっており、教育成果と経済資源の交換が行われている。この交換は、一面では、市場メカニズムに従うことで、諸アクター間が需給関係に基づく合理的な選択を行い、合意形成がなされることが期待される。しかし、輸入国の多くはOECD非加盟国であることからPISA Governing Boardに参加しておらず、アセスメントの枠組み作りやコンピテンシーの選択と定義、教育成果の価値付け等に影響を与えることができない。すなわち、教育成果が輸出国側によって一方的に値付けされており、需給調整のルールが不公正な状態になっている。これによって、すでに有利な立場にある国の優位がさらに固定的になる恐れがある。


Kampei HAYASHI, ‘Educational Hegemony’ in the Global Education Policy Market -An Analysis of the Outbound Strategy Adopted by Four National Education Research Institutes, Bulletin of the Japan Educational Administration Society, No. 42, 2016, pp.147-163, 303-304.

Key Words: Global Education Policy Market, Education Policy Consulting, Large-scale International Assessment, Government-affiliated Educational Research Institutes, Educational Hegemony

The current scenario in the educational field has seen major changes impacted by globalization in which educational policies are bought and sold across national borders with nation states joining this market as actors. The purpose of this study is to point out the structural problems inherent in the reality of the global education policy market. 

Researchers who criticize neoliberal reform consider globalization as a back down of nation states. However, changes through globalization have brought forth a new position for nation states in which they have partly expanded their functions. Ball (2012) points out that ever since the private sector made its foray in the educational field, the mode of political processes and community has changed, and a new form of ‘network governance’ has emerged. He termed this as the ‘global education policy’ (see also Rizvi & Lingard, 2010). The focus of this research is on the government-affiliated educational research institutes of developed countries that are active participants in this ‘global education policy market’ as actors by contracting work in teacher training and consulting. 

Four educational research institutes were chosen to study the concrete activities of the nation state in the international market. The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), Central Institute for Test Development (Cito), and the German Institute for International Education Research (DIPF) emerged as the leading institutions that have exploited the international market as per a large-scale assessment, and they play a central role in the operation of PISA. In Singapore, which exhibited a high score in PISA, the National Institute of Education (NIE) and its private arm, NIE International Pte Lte (NIEI), carry out educational consulting in close coordination with the central government. 

Through these four cases, it is apparent that a ‘global education policy market’ is on the rise. The trend of these countries’ activities is considered as a positive contribution on their part in offering their know-how. The relationship between the countries offering the expertise and the countries at a disadvantage is based on the exchange of educational performance and economic resources; countries that have the advantages of educational performance impart their expertise in educational policy while the economically disadvantaged nations pay for this know-how by using their economic resources. This exchange is understood superficially as following the market mechanism. The choice is made by the rational supply-demand relationship and both sides are expected to agree on fair terms. However, most of the countries seeking this expertise in the field of education are non-members of the OECD, and they have no seats on the PISA Governing Board. Therefore, they have no influence on the selection, definition, value setting, and frameworks of the educational performance assessment. The educational performance is unilaterally priced by the countries offering their knowledge in the field and therefore the rules for balancing supply and demand are biased. Hence, this kind of trade can possibly result in the status quo being maintained, wherein the privileged countries continue to be at an advantage and dominate while the disadvantaged remain submissive. 

This asymmetric relationship is a kind of ‘Hegemony’ (Gramsci, 1975). Furthermore, ‘Educational Hegemony’ has come into being through the supply of consulting services from developed countries to developing countries.




林寛平「グローバル教育政策市場を通じた『教育のヘゲモニー』の形成―教育研究所の対外戦略をめぐる構造的問題の分析―」, 日本教育行政学会(編)『日本教育行政学会年報42 教育財政をめぐる問題群』, 2016, pp.147-163, 303-304.


